Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Music of Britain - Trial By Jury Nov 2013

Still catching up... but getting there...

So I've finished editing Trial by Jury as performed by the Lyric Opera Ensemble in conjunction with the Utah Campus Symphony. I filmed the entire concert, so Trial by Jury is the second half.

Copies are $15 each.

Same deal as with the other DVDs.
I live on the west side of Salt Lake (near 1200W and 800S) so you're welcome to arrange a time to stop by and pick up a copy.

If you would rather have me ship it, I'll just have to add $4.50 for shipping, handling, and PayPal fees. You can pay via PayPal and I'll get it shipped off asap.

You can pay me in person if you pick it up, if you want it shipped, please pay below: